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54 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « "origin of life" ».
AuteurTitreDiplômeDate de publication
Model representation of the origin of life.
Model representation of the origin of life (II).
The origin of life and death: African creation myths.
Shock waves and the origin of life / Akiva Bar-Nun.
Origin of life : the 5th option / by Bryant M. Shiller.
Distribution and origin of life in America, by Robert Francis Scharff.
On the origin of life on the globe / by A.B. Macallum.
Extinction : the future of humanity : a short study of evolution from the origin of life to the present / Ronald E. Seavoy.
The early earth : (transcript from Bible & science video series) : containing sessions 1 to 4 : how did it all begin? : when did it all begin? : the origin of life : changes to the earth.
The origin of the chemical elements and of cell life, by Clara E. Speight-Humberston' ...
Ancient views on the origins of life [by] Ernest L. Abel.
The origin and evolution of life : on the theory of action, reaction and interaction of energy / by Henry Fairfield Osborn.
Ions, biomolecules and catalysis : SIFTing for the origins of life.
The spontaneous generation controversy from Descartes to Oparin / John Farley.
The life puzzle: on crystals and organisms and on the possibility of a crystal as an ancestor [by] A.G. Cairns-Smith.
Planetary systems and the origins of life / Ralph Pudritz, Paul Higgs, Jonathon Stone.
The appearance of man.
Aristotle's philosophy of biology : studies in the origins of life science / James G. Lennox.
Miracle planet / a National Film Board of Canada and NHK Japan co-production with Tele Images International, Telepool International, NHK Enterprises 21 Inc.
Miracle planet / a National Film Board of Canada and NHK Japan co-production with Tele Images International, Telepool International, NHK Enterprises 21 Inc.
Evolution by association : a history of symbiosis / Jan Sapp.
Living earth : a short history of life and its home / E.G. Nisbet.
Le Lien cosmique = [enregistrement vidéo]. The cosmic link / scénarisation et réalisation, Catherine Fol ; recherche, Françoise de la Cressonnière
Iconoclasm : revealing the true spiritual origins of life in the universe and offering a Christian response to Prof. Richard Dawkins / Jack Thomson.
The cosmic link / produced by Éric Michel ; directed by Catherine Fol.
Modern ideas of evolution as related to revelation and science.
In the minds of men : Darwin and the new world order / by Ian T. Taylor.
Fallacies of creationism / Willard Young.
Somewhere the sea and salt / Charity Chan.
Darwinism and its discontents / Michael Ruse.
The foundations of metaphysics in science / by Errol E. Harris.
Relics of primeval life, by Sir J. William Dawson ... With sixty-five illustrations.
We are not alone : the search for intelligent life on other worlds / by Walter Sullivan.
UFO's and related subjects: an annotated bibliography [by] Lynn E. Catoe. Prepared by the Library of Congress, Science and Technology Division, for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Office of Aerospace Research, USAF.
The inequality of man : and other essays / by J.B.S. Haldane, F.R.S.
Flaws in the theory of evolution / by Evan Shute.
Evolution, Marxism & Christianity: studies in the Teilhardian synthesis. Contributors: Claude Cuénot [and others].
The evolution wars : a guide to the debates / Michael Ruse ; foreword by Edward O. Wilson.
An introduction to the study of man, by J.Z. Young.
Bridging the gap : the first 6 days / H.D. Daae.
Inorganic chemistry : reactions, structure and mechanisms / Harold H. Trimm, [editor].
Reinventing the sacred : a new view of science, reason and religion / Stuart A. Kauffman.
Egyptian religion / Siegfried Morenz ; translated by Ann E. Keep.
The problem of water : a world study / Raymond Furon, translated by Paul Barnes.
What should I believe? : philosophical essays for critical thinking / Paul Gomberg.
The Bible : key to understanding the early earth / by G.S. McLean, Roger Oakland, Larry McLean ; illustrations by Karla McLean.
Rats, lice and history : being a study in biography, which, after twelve preliminary chapters indispensable for the preparation of the lay reader, deals with the life history of typhus fever ... / by Hans Zinsser.
Darwinism defended : a guide to the evolution controversies / Michael Ruse ; foreword by Ernst Mayr.
Debating design : from Darwin to DNA / edited by William A. Dembski, Michael Ruse.
Hylozoic ground : liminal responsive architecture : Philip Beesley / contributions by Rob Gorbet ... [et al.] ; edited by Pernilla Ohrstedt & Hayley Isaacs.
Information theory and evolution / John Scales Avery.
Studies in the history of philosophy and religion / Harry Austryn Wolfson ; edited by Isadore Twersky and George H. Williams.
High resolution structural investigation of synthetic and natural 2:1 clay-mineral assemblages using advanced sample preparation and electron microscopy imaging techniques [electronic resource].
Writers of the Western World.