Index des bandes des Premières Nations de l’Ouest : langues, agences, bureaux d’inspection et bureaux régionaux

L'index donne la liste des noms normalisés employés par l'outil Recherche dans la collection pour désigner les bandes des Premières Nations dans l'Ouest du Canada. On y trouve aussi les diverses manières d'écrire un mot ou les différents noms qui désignent une même réalité. L'index peut aider à trouver les meilleurs termes de recherche pour chercher des documents sur une bande particulière.

La présente page propose aussi une liste de bureaux locaux chargés d'administrer les bandes au nom du ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Développement du Nord (qui est devenu Services aux Autochtones Canada et Relations Couronne-Autochtones et Affaires du Nord Canada).

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Index des bandes et des langues

Base de données ou nom normalisé Autres orthographes ou noms Langue
Okemasis Okimasis; Duck Lake Cris
Aishihik Aishimik Big River; Big Lake,  Kutchin
Aklavik s/o Loucheux
Alexander Cathisthawayskum; Kahchetahwayscum; Kahchetahwaysewins; Kahchetahwayskums; Kahchetahwayskun; Reserve no. 134; Riviere qui Barre Cris
Alexis Alexis & Joseph, Keeskeecheechi, Reserve no. 133, Soosies,  Dakota
Amos Charles Stanley  Cris
Apischamoose Apisabemois; Jackfish Crisk  Cris
Arctic Red River Loucheux no. 6; Paul Loucheux
Atlin-Teslin s/o Tagish
Bad Boy Band Y (Blackfoot)  Blackfoot
Bad Head Pokapiw Otoian, Bad Head  Blood
Barren Lands Barrier Land; Petit Casimir  Chipewyan
Beardy Kahmawiskahwasit; Kahmawistahmasits; Kahmawistahwassits; Kahmeeyestoowaegs; Kahmeeyistoowaysit Cris
Beardy & Okemasis s/o Cris
Beardy or Okemasis or One Arrow Duck Lake Indians Cris
Bearspaw Band A (Stony); Bear's Paw; Masgwa Ahsid; Morley Mountain; Morley Reserve; Morleyville; Musqua Asik; Stony A Dakota
Bearspaw & Chiniquay Reserve no. 142  Dakota
Beaver Lake Kahquanam; Kahquanum; Lac La Biche; Kaquanum; Keequanum; Reserve no. 131; Rolling Thompson  Cris
Beaver, Horse Lake & Clear Hills Beaver & Gde Prairie (Horse Lake & Clear Hills); Clear Hills; Dunvegan; Dunvegan & Grande Prairie; Fort Dunvegan; Grande Prairie; Grande Prairie & Dunvegan; Horse Lake; Natooses; Natoosis  Beaver
Berens River Jacob Berens; Nahweekeesickquahyash; Naweekeesickquahyash Ojibway
Big Bear Reserve no. 118  Cris
Big Head Reserve no. 100a  Cris
Big Plume (Blackfoot) Band O (Blackfoot);  Big Plume;  Omaksi Sasop  Blackfoot
Big Plume (Sarcee) Band E (Sarcee); Big Plume; Drums; Little Drums; Stokematis, Sarcee
Big Salmon Big Salmon River; Salmon River, Kutchin
Big Wolf Band F (Sarcee)  Sarcee
Birch River s/o Swampy Cris
Birdtail Creek Bird Tail Crisk; Reserve no. 057  Dakota
Black Elk s/o Blackfoot
Blackstone s/o Takudah
Bloodvein Blood Vein River; Bloodvein & Loon Straits; Bloodvein River; Sakachewayas  Cris
Bobtail Bobtail, Kiskaquin, Tail Crisk,  Cris
Brokenhead Broken Head River; Broken Head River, Christian; Broken Head River, Heathen; Fort Garry; Nashakepenais,  Ojibway
Buck Lake Rain  Stony
Bull Horn Band V (Blood); Calftail Blood
Bull Shield Band Q (Blood)  Blood
Burwash Landing s/o Kutchin
Calf Shirt Band P (Blood); Bullen Chief; Button Chief; Medicine Calf; Natose Onoistors  Blood
Canoe Lake John Iron; Reserve no. 165c Cris
Carcross Carcross, Mission School, Caribou Crossing Tagish
Carmacks Carmacks & Little Salmon  Kutchin
Carry the Kettle Carry Kettle, Jack; Jack Assiniboine; Man who Took the Coat; Reserve no. 076; Reserve no. 077; The Man who Took the Coat; The One that Fetched the Coat  Dakota/Assiniboine
Casca Casca, McDames Crisk  Unknown
Chakachas Chacachas; Chakacha   Saulteaux
Chakastapasin Big Head; Chakastapasis; Chakastapayin; Chakastapaysin; Chakastipasin; Chakistapaysins; Chekastapasin; Chekastapaysin; Chekastaypasin; Chekastaypaysin; Chikastaypasin; Reserve no. 098  Cris
Champagne Champagne Landing; Champagne Landing, Hootchi  Kutchin
Chemawawin Chimawawin  Cris
Chiniquay Band C (Stony); Cheneka; Chenneka; Chennekas; Chiniquy; Chinniquy; John; Morley Mountain; Morley Reserve; Morleyville; Stony C  Dakota
Chipewyan (Fitz/Smith) Fitz/Smith, Fitzgerald, Fort Fitzgerald, Fort Smith, Pierre Squirrel, Smiths Landing,  Chipewyan
Chipewyan (Fort Chipewyan) Fort Chipewyan; Alexander Laviolette Chipewyan
Churchill Duck River; Fort Churchill; John French; North River Chipewyan
Coffee Creek s/o Kutchin
Cold Lake Chippewayan; Fish Chipewyan; Fort Chipewyan; Kenoosayoo; Kinnoosayo; Kinnoosayoo; Kinnosayo; Kinnosayoo; Kinnosayoo; Frog Lake; Kinoosao; Kinoosaoo; Kinoosayoo; Kinosayo; Reserve no. 124; Reserve no. 149  Chipewyan/Cris
Coté Fort Pelly Indians; Gabriel Coté; Mee May, The Pigeon; Reserve no. 064; The Pigeon  Ojibway
Cowessess Comees; Cow wecess; Cow weecess; Cow'ess; Coweses; Cowesis; Kaweyance, Little Boy; Kawezauce, Little Boy; Little Boy; Little Child; Reserve no. 073  Cris
Crane River s/o Ojibway
Cree Fort Chipewyan  Cris
Cree Chipewyan (Fort McMurray) Adam Boucher; Cris-Chipewyan; Cris-Chipewyan (Fort McMurray); Cris-Chipewyan, Anzac; Cris-Chipewyan, Fort McKay & Fort McMurray; Cris-Chipewyan, McMurray; Fort McMurray, Fort McMurray Indians (Treaty 8); Seapotakinum  Cris/Chipewyan
Cree, Stragglers s/o Cris
Cross Lake Daniel Meswakun; Donald William Sinclair; Tapastanum  Cris
Crowfoot Chapo Mexico  Cris
Cumberland John Cochrane; Peter Chapman; Reserve no. 100a  Cris
Cumberland House Cumberland Cris
Dawson Moosehide; Moosehide Crisk Kutchin
Day Star Kiisicawahchuck; Reserve no. 087  Cris
Deer Lake Deer's Lake East; Robert Fiddler Cris
Dog Rib Rae Fort Rae; Morphy; Rae Dogrib
Driftpile Drift Pile River; Kinnosayo Cris
Duncan Brownvale; Duncan Testawit; Duncan Tustaoots; Old Wive's Lake; Peace River Crossing; Peace River Landing Cris
Eagle Head Band B (Blood) Blackfoot
Eagle Ribs Band G (Blood); Eagle; Eagle Rib Blackfoot
Eagle Robe Band B (Sarcee); Eagle Robe; Pitah Annes; The Drum,  Sarcee
Eagle Shoe Band U (Blood); Pitah Otiskin Blackfoot
Ebb & Flow Broken Fingers; Ebb and Flow Lake; François  Ojibway
English River William Apisis Chipewyan
Enoch Enoch la Potac; Enoch la Potac; Enoch Lepotac; Reserve no. 135; Stony Plain; Tommy la Potack; Tommy le Potack  Cris
Ermineskin Tail Crisk Indians; Ermine Skin; Erminskin; Erminskins; Pigeon Lake; Reserve no. 137  Cris
Fairford He who Flies to the Bottom; Masahkeeyash, He who Flies to the Bottom; Richard Woodhouse; Woodhouse,  Ojibway
Fisher River David Rundle; Peter Murdo; Randall Ojibway/Cris
Fishing Lake Reserve no. 089 Ojibway
Fond du Lac s/o Chipewyan
Fort Alexander Bird Forver; Kakapenais, Bird Forever Ojibway
Fort Franklin s/o Hare
Fort Good Hope Good Hope; Hare no. 5; Hare Skins no. 5; Simeon Hare
Fort Grahame Nomads Finaly River; Fort Grahame; Grahame Nomads of McDames Crisk Unknown
Fort Liard Fort Liard no. 8; Slave no. 8; Thomas E Kinla Slave
Fort McKay Cris-Chipewyan; Cris-Chipewyan (Fort McMurray); Cris-Chipewyan, Anzac; Cris-Chipewyan, Fort McKay & Fort McMurray; Cris-Chipewyan, McMurray; Fort McMurray; Fort McMurray Indians (Treaty 8); Gregoire Lake Reserve; McMurray & McKay; Reserve no. 175; Reserve no. 176;  Chipewyan
Fort McPherson Fort McPherson; Jaby Lalo; Locheuz no. 7; McPherson Loucheaux
Fort Nelson s/o Slave
Fort Norman Fort Norman, Hare no. 4; Hare no. 4; Hare Skins no. 4; Norman; Norman & Yellowknife; Saul Blondin;  Slave
Fort Providence Fort Providence, Slaves "E"; Paul Lafoin; Providence; Providence no. 1 Slaves; Slave "E"; Slave no. 1; Slaves Providence;  Slave
Fort Resolution Resolution Chipewyan
Fort Selkirk Lower Pelly; Selkirk; Tatlaman Lake; Tatlumon; Tatlumon Lake or Lower Pelly; Upper Pelly; Wood Camps; Wood or Stick;  Kutchin
Fort Simpson Antoine; Fort Simpson Slaves no. 2; Simpson; Slave no. 2; Slaveic Indians;  Slave
Fort St John Beavers Beavers of Fort St John; Blueberry River; Doig River; Fort St John, Doig River; St Johns; Upper Peace, Fort St John;  Beaver
Fort Vermilion (Tallcree) Beaver Ranch; Cris Fort Vermilion; Cris Vermilion; Koniskwiskeekapoohoo, Tall Cris; Kuiskuiskowcapoohoo; Reserve no. 163; Tall Cris; Vermilion;  Cris
Fort Wrigley Fort Wrigley, Slaves no. 3; Slave no. 3; Wrigley; Yendo;  Slave
Forty Mile Creek Forty Mile  Takudah
Fox Lake Gillam  Cris
Francis Lake s/o Unknown
Frog Lake Reserve no. 121; Reserve no. 122 Cris
Gamblers Calling Lake; Gambler; Lizard Point; Reserve no. 063; Silver Crisk;  Ojibway
God's Lake Peter Watt Cris
Going to the Bear Band F (Blood); Go to the Bear; Going to Bear; Kaye Tapo, Going to Bear;  Blackfoot
Gordon George Gordon; Reserve no.086 Ojibway/Cris
Grand Rapids Big Grand Rapids; Peter Beardy Cris
Grizzly Bear's Head Bear's Head; Grizzly Bear; Reserve no. 110 Assiniboine
Grouard Grouard, Driftpile; Kinnosayo, Grouard Cris
Hay Lake & Upper Hay River Hay River; Fort Resolution; Fort Vermilion; Francois Tchatees; Resolution; Upper Hay River; Upper Hay River & Hay Lakes; Vermilion;  Slave
Hay River Hay River; Slave "D" Slave
Heart Lake Antoine; Chipewyan no. 167; Chipewyan, Lac la Biche; Heart Lake Indians; Reserve no. 130; Reserve no. 167 Chipewyan
Heavy Shield Band R (Blood) Blackfoot
Hind Bull Band J (Blood); Takoye Stamix, Fiend Bull Blackfoot
Hind Bull (Blackfoot) Band A (Blackfoot) Blackfoot
Hind Bull (Blood) Fiend Bull Blackfoot
Hollow Water Big Island; Hardisty; Hole River; Hollow Water River; Katukepinais, Hardisty;  Ojibway
Hudson's Hope Halfway Reserve; Halfway River Reserve; Hudson's Hope, Halfway; Hudson's Hope, Halfway River; Hudson's Hope, Moberly Lake; Hudson's Hope, West Moberly Lake; Moberly Lake; Reserve no. 168; Reserve no. 168a; West End Moberly Lake; West Moberly Lake;  Beaver
Iron Head s/o Stony
Iron Shield s/o Blackfoot
Island Bands Dog Head Cris/Ojibway
Island Lake George Nott; Little Island Lake; Ministikwan Cris
Island Lake (Saskatchewan) s/o Cris
Island Lake(Manitoba) s/o Cris/Ojibway
Jackhead Island Lake; Jack Head; Jackfish Head; Jackhead River; James Sinclair; Sangwawakapow, James Sinclair; Thickfoot;  Ojibway
James Roberts Kenomotripe; Reserve no. 106 Cris
James Seenum Reserve no. 128; Seenum; Whitefish Lakes Cris
James Smith Fort à la Corne; La Corne; Reserve no. 100 Cris
Janvier Fort McMurray Stragglers; Fort McMurray Stragglers (Treaty 8); Janvier's Stragglers; Stragglers; Stragglers, Athabaska Landing; Stragglers, Fort McMurray; Stragglers, McMurray; Stragglers, Waterways; 
John O'Chiese O'Chiese Cris
John Smith Muskoday; Reserve no. 099 Cris
Joseph Bighead Lac des Iles Cris
Kahkewistahaw Flying Round; Foremost Man; Front Man; Goes Before; He Starts in Advance; Kahkeewistahaw; Kahkuwastahaw; Kahwistahaw; Kakeewistahaw; Kakewistahaw; Kakewistahow; Kakiiwistahaw; Kakuwistahaw; Kawistahaw; Maple Crisk Reserve; Necanete; Nekahnew; Nekaynea; Reserve no. 072; Reserve no. 072a;  Cris
Keeheewin Keeheewins; Keehewins; Keeyewin;Kehewin; Kehiwin; Kihiwin; Reserve no. 123; The Eagle;  Cris
Keenoshayo Keenostayo; Kennesayo; Kennoshayo; Kinnosayo; Kinosayo; Lesser Slave Lake;  Cris
Keeseekoose Baptiste Mowais; Keeseekon; Keeseekonse; Keeseekoose; Keeseekouse; Keeshekonse; Keeshikonse; Keesickouse; Kiishekonse; Kiishiikonse; Kiishikonse; Kiishikouse; Kishiikonse; Kishikonse; Kisickouse; Reserve no. 066;  Ojibway
Keeseekoowenin Clearwater Lake; Keeseekooweenin; Keeseekosswewin; Keesickooweenin; Keesickoowenin; Reserve no. 061;  Ojibway
Key Ahtahpeekaeekay; Ootahpeekaekey; Outahpeekaeekay; Owtahpeekakaw; Reserve no. 065; The Key;  Ojibway
Kinematoyo Big River; Keemeemostayo; Keeneemootayo; Kenamotargee; Kenematoyo; Kenemolayoo; Kenemosayoo; Kenemotagee; Kenemotay; Kenemotayee; Kenemotayo; Kenemotayoo; Kennemotayo; Kinematayo; Pelican Lake Indians; Reserve no. 118; Sasewahum; Saysewahim; Saysewahum; Saysowakim, Pelican Lake; Stony Lake; Whitefish Lake, Saskatchewan;  Crise
Kinistino Reserve no. 091 Ojibway
La Pierre's House s/o Unknown
Lac la Biche Stragglers; Lac la Biche & Stragglers; Payasis; Peaysides; Peaysis; Peeaysees; Peeaysis; Peegasis; Peenaysis; Peewaysis; Peeyasiis, Lac la Biche; Peeyaysees; Peyaysees; Reserve no. 129; Payasis; Payaysee; Peeyaysee Métis
Lac la Hache Hatchet Lake; Thomas Benaouni;  Chipewyan
Lac la Ronge Bittern Lake; Lac la Rouge; Lac le Ronge; Reserve no. 218;  Cris
Lake Manitoba Sousonce  Ojibway
Lake St. Martin Mahsahkeeya  Ojibway
Lancing Creek Duncan or Lansing Crisk; Lansing Crisk Slave
Lean Man Reserve no. 111; Tibia Cris
Left Hand Aye Stipis Simat, Heavily Whipped; Band H (Blood); Heavily Whipped; Old Moon; The Moon;  Blackfoot
Liard River Liard & Francis Lake; Liard of McDames Crisk  Nahani
Little Black Bear Kuskeetewmuscoomusqua; Reserve no. 084; Black River; James Bird;  Cris
Little Black River s/o Ojibway
Little Ears Band K (Blood); Bull Back Fat; Little Ears & Bull Back Fat; Stamix Osok, Bull Back Fat;  Blackfoot
Little Grand Rapids Grand Rapids  Ojibway
Little Montagne E Au Hah; Little Mountain Assiniboine
Little Pine Mi Ahequosis, Little Pine; Min Ahequosis; Reserve no. 116;  Cris
Little Red River Fox Lake Reserve; John D'Or Prairie; Kuiskuiskowcapohoo; Red River; Reserve no. 162;  Cris
Little Salmon s/o Unknown
Little Saskatchewan s/o Ojibway
Livingstone Creek s/o Tlingit
Lone Chief Band M (Blackfoot); Only Chief Blackfoot
Long Lodge Tepee Hoska Ojibway
Long Plain Keskeemaquah, Short Bear; Portage la Prairie; Short Bear;  Ojibway
Long Plain (Ojibway) s/o Ojibway
Long Plain Sioux s/o Dakota
Loon Lake Makwa Lake Cris
Loon Straits s/o Swampy Cris
Loonskin Loon Skin Cap; Mookoomickkatawapat; Mookoomickkatumahpak; Mookoonickkatamakat;  Unknown
Louis Bull Muddy Bull; Noah Muddy Bull; Pigeon Lake; Reserve no. 140;  Cris
Low Horn Band K (Blackfoot); Ekas Kine, Low Horn; Low Horse; Sow Horn;  Blackfoot
Lubicon Lake s/o Cris
Lucky Man Papaway, Lucky Man; Reserve no. 116 Cris
Many Horses Akak Otos, Many Horses; Akaotas; Band C (Sarcee);  Sarcee
Many Shots At Band R (Blackfoot); Many Shots; Mule Lodge; Mule Painted Lodge;  Blackfoot
Many Spotted Horses Akka Kitcipimiw, Many Spotted Horses  Blackfoot
Many White Horses Band N (Blood); Eagle Ribs; Pitah Pekis, Eagle Rib;  Blackfoot
Maple Creek Nekaneet Cris
Mathias Colomb Mathias Colombe; Pukitawagan Cris
Maurice Fond du Lac; Chipewyan, Fond du Lac; Maurice, Fond du Lac; Maurice Piché;  Chipewyan
Mayo McQuesten; McQueston Kutchin
Meadow Lake Green Lake; Green Lake Indians; Kapahawakenum; Kapahawekeum; Kapahwasenum; Keapahawakenum; Kopahawakemum; Kopahawakenum; Kopahawakenum, Green Lake; Kopahawekemum; Kopahawekenum; Kopwayawakenum; Oopwyawahkenum; Reserve no. 105;  Cris
Medicine Shield Band H (Blackfoot)  Blackfoot
Michel Michel Caillehoo; Michel Caillehouis; Michel Caillehow; Michel Calahoo; Michel Calistrois; Michel Callihoo; Reserve no. 132;  Stony
Mistawasis Mistahmahsis; Mistowasis; Reserve no. 103;  Cris
Montana Little Bear; Reserve no. 139 Cris
Montreal Lake Kenomotripe; Reserve no. 106; Reserve no. 106a; William Charles;  Cris
Moose Jaw Sioux Head; Wood Mountain Dakota
Moose Lake Ottin Kiman; Tinikimaw Cris
Moose Woods Reserve no. 094; White Cap Sioux
Moosomin Massomius; reserve no. 112; Yellow Sky Cris
Mosquito Misketo; Musquito; Reserve no. 109; Sahkemayo; Stony, Mosquito; Sukeman;  Assiniboine
Mosquito-Grizzly Bear's Head s/o Assiniboine
Muscowequan Hard Quill; Kakeenawup, One that Sits like an Eagle; Misscowaquan; Muscowequahn; Muscowequin; Muscowequn; Muscowkequan; One that Sits Like an Eagle; Reserve no. 085;  Ojibway
Muscowpetung Chakuk; Cheecucks; Cheecuks; Muscow Wepeetun; Muskowpetung; Reserve no. 080;  Ojibway/Cris
Muskeg Lake Keetoowahaw; Keetoowayhow; Petaquakey; Petequacay; Petequakay; Petequaquay; Pettequakey; Pettiquacky; Reserve no. 102;  Cris
Nahani s/o Nahani
Nelson House s/o Cris
Nelson River Nelson Nomads; Nelson Nomads, Liard; Nelson River Nomads; Nelson River Nomads of McDames Crisk;  Unknown
Nipahase Napakas; Nepahase; Nipahays Cris
North & South Blackfoot Reserve Reserve no. 146 
North Blackfoot Reserve  Bands E, I, K, M, N, O, R
Northern Saulteaux s/o Saulteaux
Norway House s/o Cris
Nut Lake Oozawaskooquinape; Oozawekwun, Yellow Quill; Reserve no. 090; Yellow Quill; Yellow Quills;  Ojibway
Oak Lake Haweda; Pipestone Reserve Dakota
Oak Lake Sioux Reserve no. 059  Dakota
Oak River Wahbudiska  Dakota
Oak River Sioux Reserve no. 058  Dakota
Ochapowace Kahkeesheway; Kakeeshaway; Kakeesheway; Kakesheways; Kakiisheway; Kakiishiiways; Kakiishiway, Loud Voice; Kakisheheway; Kakishiway; Loud Voice; Ouchapowace; Reserve no. 071; Round Lake;  Cris
Okanese Okanees; O'Kanees; O'Kaneese; O'Kanes; O'Kanese; O'Kanise; Okeeneese; O'Kinishe; Reserve no. 082;  Cris/Ojibway
Okemasis Okeemasees; Okemas's; Okenasis; Reserve no. 096; Saswapaw; Saswapew; Saswapey; Saswaypew; Saswaypoo; Saswaysew; Sawapee; Sayswaypeo; Seekwahnis;  Cris
Old Crow s/o Loucheux
Old Sun Band E (Blackfoot); Matose Apiw, Old Sun; Old Sun & Heavy Shield;  Blackfoot
One Arrow Capayaquakoonums; Kahpay Yakwahskoomum; Kahpayatwaiskamum; Kapayahwaiskanum; Kapayahwawkanum; Kapayaquaskoonum; Kapwaywakenum; Reserve no. 095;  Cris
One Spot Band G (Blood); Netah Kitei Pi Mew, Only Spot; Only Spot;  Blackfoot
Onion Lake s/o Cris
Ooneepowhayo Frog Lake; Nepowhayhous; Onipohayo; Ooneepoweekayo; Ooneepowhayo, Frog Lake; Oonepoweekayo; Reserve no. 122; Tusktakeeskwaise; Tustakeeshkway, Frog Lake; Tustakeeskwaise; Tustukeeskwahs; Tustuskeeskwais; Unipoheos;  Cris
Orphans of St Albert Orphans; St Albert Mission; St Albert Orphans;  Unknown
O'Soup O'Soup of Cow wecess  Saulteaux
Ouchaness Auchaness; Little Bones; Reserve no. 073a Saulteaux
Oxford House Jeremiah Chubb  Cris
Painted Otter Band D (Sarcee); Stokimatis, The Drum   Sarcee
Pas Mountain Shoal Lake & Red Earth  Ojibway
Pasqua Pasquah; Pasquatis; Pesquah; Pisqua; Pisquah; Reserve no. 079  Ojibway/Cris
Passpasschase Chipewyan no. 136; Pahspahschase; Passpasschasis; Passpasstayo; Reserve no. 136;  Ojibway
Paul Ironhead; Reserve no. 133a; Wabamum; White Whale Lake;  Dakota/Stony
Paymootayahsoo Paymeetayahsoo; Paymootayahsoo; Paymotayahsoo;  Cris
Peel River s/o Unknown
Peepeekisis Canah Hachapeu, Ready Bow; Canahachapew; Canahachapow; Cannachappo; Kamihawachapaw; Papakeesis; Papeekeesis; Peepeekeesis; Peepeekesis; Pepekesis; Ready Bow; Ready Bow Man; Reserve no. 081;  Ojibway
Peguis Peguis (Provincial White); Pequis;  Cris; Ojibway
Peigan Piegan; Reserve no. 147 Blackfoot
Peigan A Band A (Peigan); Crow Shoe; Eagle Tail; Eagle Tail Feathers; North Axe; Sitting on an Eagle Tail; Zoatze Tapitapiw, Eagle Tail;  Blackfoot
Peigan B Apenako Sapop, Morning Plume; Band B (Peigan); Morning Plume; Travelling;  Blackfoot
Peigan C Akka Makkoye, Many Swans; Band C (Peigan); Big Swan;  Blackfoot
Peigan D Band D (Peigan); Running Wolf (Peigan) Blackfoot
Peigan E Band E (Peigan); Crow Eagle; Maste Pitah, Crow Eagle;  Blackfoot
Pelican Lake Chitek Lake  Cris
Pelican Lake or Big Bear Reserve no. 118  Cris
Peter Ballantyne Pelican Narrows; Peter Ballenden; Peter Ballendine;  Cris
Peter Pond Lake Clear Lake; Raphael Redchildge (sic) Chipewyan
Pheasant Rump Croup de Pheasant; La Croup de Pheasant; Le Croup de Pheasant; Le Croupe de Pheasant; Reserve no. 068;  Assiniboine
Piapot Payepot; Peapot; Peaypot; Piaypots; Pieapot; Piepot; Reserve no. 075;  Cris
Pikangikum Pikangekum; Pekangecum; Pekangekum; Pikangekum; Ojibway
Pine Creek Duck Bay; Kusukoswims; Riding Mountain; Riding Mountain House;  Ojibway
Poor Man Cawacatoos; Cawacatoose; Kahwahkahtoose; Kahwahkaloos; Kahwahkatoose; Kanacatoose, Poor Man; Kawacatoose, Poor Man; Kawakatoo; Kawakatoose; Poorman; Reserve no. 088; Tahwekesiquape; The Poor Man; Wichawostaka, Poor Man;  Cris
Poorman s/o Assiniboine
Poplar River Peewahnoowenan; Peewahrooweenin  Cris/Ojibway
Portage la Loche Fort McMurray Indians (Treaty 8); Fort McMurray Stragglers; Fort McMurray Stragglers (Treaty 8); Stragglers; Stragglers, Fort McMurray;  Chipewyan
Poundmaker Pound Maker; Reserve no. 114 Cris
Puskeahkeewenin Ohpusheeyahkayweeyins; Oopuskeeyahkayweeyin; Puska Ahgowins; Puskeahkeewin; Puskee Eekeeweeins; Puskeeahkayweeins; Puskeeahkeeweein; Puskeeahkeewenin; Puskeeahkeewin; Puskeekeeheewin; Puskeeyahkayweeyin; Puskiaikiwenin;  Cris
Rabbit Carrier Attista Haes, Rabbit Carrier; Band J (Blackfoot) Blackfoot
Rampart House Rampart Post  Takudah
Red Ear Great Seaman; Kicheekahmenin; Kichikahmenin; Kichikahmewins; Kichikamewin; Kickekamewin; Kickikahmenin; Kickikamewin; Kiskeekahmenum; Kitchikahmewin; Reserve no.069; Ocean Man; Striped Blanket; Red Ears Assiniboine
Red Earth s/o Cris
Red Pheasant Eagle Hills; Peeyaheekahmuhkoosit; Peeyahnkahmukoosits; Peeyahnkahnickkoosit; Peeyahwkahmikoosit; Peeyahwkahnukoosit; Peeyawkahmihkasit; Peeyawkahnuhkasit; Peeyawkaniikasit; Red Pheasant; Reserve no. 108;  Cris
Rolling River Reserve no. 067; South Quill Ojibway
Roseau River Indian Gardens; Kewetayash; Nanawananan; Pembina; Roseau Rapids; Roseau River & Rapids; Rosseau; Rousseau; Wakowush;  Ojibway
Ross River Pelly Lakes  Nahani
Running Antelope Band O (Blood); Bull Turn Round; Bull Turning Around; Bull Turning Round; Day Chief; Day Light; Father of All Children; Father of Many Children; Kissoum, Day Light; Stamixo Takapiw, Bull Turn Round;  Blackfoot
Running Away Buffalo Band Q (Blackfoot); Buck Running Rabbit  Blackfoot
Running Crane Band B (Blood); Wolf Bull;  Blackfoot
Running Marten Band N (Blackfoot); Buck Elk; Bull Elk; Ponokah Stamix, Bull Elk;  Blackfoot
Running Rabbit Band D (Blackfoot); Onistah Pokah, White Calf; Running Rabbit & Calf Robe;  Blackfoot
Running Wolf Attistah Macan, Running Rabbit; Band I (Blood);  Blackfoot
Saddle Lake Goodfish Lake; Hollow Bank Crisk Reserve; Kake; Little Chief; Little Hunter; Oonahtahmeenah Hoos, Little Hunter; Pacan; Pakan; Pecan; Reserve no. 125; The Little Hunter; Thomas Hunter;  Cris
Sakimay Little Bones; Goose Lake; Leech Lake; Reserve no. 074; Sahkeemay; Sakamas; Sakamay; Sakemas; Sakemay; Sakemo; Shesheep; Sheshep; Yellow Calf;  Cris
Sampson Pigeon Lake  Cris
Samson Reserve no. 138  Cris
Samson, Ermineskin or Louis Bull Stragglers, with Maymaynowahtow; Stragglers, with Tommy la Potack;  Cris
Sandy Bay Nahwahchewaykahpow; White Mud Ojibway
Sandy Lake Ahtahkahcoops; Ahtahkahkoops; Ahtahkakoops; Ahtakacoops; Ahtuckacoop; Ahtukukkoop; Atahkakoop; Atakakoop; Attackacoops; Attackakoop; Attahkahkoop; Attakakoop; Reserve no. 104;  Cris
Sarcee Band A (Sarcee); Bull Head; Bull's Head; Reserve no. 145; Stamiscotocar, Bull Head; Stawinotokaw;  Sarcee
Saulteaux Moberly Lake 
Saulteaux (British Columbia) East End Moberly Lake; Moberley Lake Saulteaux; Rocky Mountain House; Saulteaux, East Moberly Lake;  Saulteaux
Saulteaux (Saskatchewan) s/o Ojibway
Sawridge s/o Cris
Seekaskootch Seekahskootch, Seekaskootch; Cut Arms; Cut Arm Cris
Seekaskootch or Sweetgrass Reserve no. 119  Cris
Shamattawa s/o Cris
Sharphead Chapoostiquhan; Cheepoosteekwahn; Cheepoosteequahn; Cheepoostequahn; Cheepoostequan; Cheepoostikwahn; Chepasstequahu; Chepoosteequahan; Chepoostekwahn; Chepoostequahn; Reserve no. 141;  Stony
Sheshep Reserve no. 074a 
Shoal Lake s/o Cris
Shoal Lake 39 Reserve no. 039  Ojibway
Shoal Lake 39 or 40 Shahwinabinais; Shashagance  Cris/Ojibway
Shoal Lake 40 Reserve no. 040  Ojibway
Shoal River Key at Shoal River  Ojibway
Shot Both Sides Band A (Blood); Crop Ear Wolf; Crop Eared Wolf; Mekasto, Red Crow; Red Crow; Weasel Bull;  Blackfoot
Siccani (Fort Nelson) Fort Nelson  Slave
Siccani (Prophet River) Fort St John; Prophet River Slave
Sitting Eagle s/o Blackfoot
Snag s/o Unknown
South Blackfoot Reserve  A, C, F, G, H, J, P, Q, T, Y Bands
Split Lake William Keche Kesik  Cris
St Peters St Pierre; Henry Prince; Miskookenew, Henry Prince; Sandy Bar;  Ojibway
Standing Buffalo Reserve no. 078a  Dakota
Star Blanket Achacoosacootacoopits, Ah hacoosseecootacoopit, Ahcacoosacootacoopits, Ahchacoosacootacoopits, Ahchacoosacootapit, Athacoosacootacoopits, He Has the Stars for a Blanket, Puascoos, Reserve no. 083, That Has the Stars for a Blanket, The One who Has a Star for his Blanket, Wapiimoosetosus, White Calf or Puascoos,  Cris
Stewart River White River  Unknown
Stolen Person Band T (Blood); Captive Person; Matapi Komotziw, Captive Person  Blackfoot
Stony Stoney 
Stony Rapids s/o Chipewyan
Stragglers Stragglers, with Poundmaker and Shot Him in the Back  Cris
Stragglers, Bear's Hill Stragglers, from the South (Bear's Hills)  Unknown
Stragglers, Beaver Hill Beaver Hill; Beaver Hill Lake Indians; Beaver Hill Stragglers;  Saulteaux
Stragglers, Treaty 4 s/o Unknown
Stragglers, Treaty 6 s/o Unknown
Stragglers, with Little Poplar s/o Unknown
Strangling Wolf Band L (Blood); Strangle Wolf Blackfoot
Striped Dog Band M (Blood); Emitah Apiskinne, White Striped Dog; White Striped Dog;  Blackfoot
Sturgeon Lake Captain  Cris
Sturgeon Lake (Alberta) s/o Cris
Sturgeon Lake (Saskatchewan) Ahwahtaskumikinwin; Ahyahtuskumikinam, William Twatt; Ahyahtuskumikinwin; Ahyahtuskumkinwin; Ahyahtwokumakinum;  Cris
Sturgeon Lake (William Twatt) Reserve no. 101; William Twatt Cris
Sucker Creek Moostoos  Cris
Sunchild s/o Cris
Swan Lake s/o Ojibway
Swan River s/o Cris
Sweet Grass He Was Struck on the Back; Reserve no. 113; Shot Him in the Back; The Man that Strikes in the Back; Weekaskookeesayyin, Sweet Grass; 
Sweet Grass (extant) Strike Him on the Back  Cris
Sweet Grass (extinct) Young Sweet Grass  Cris
Tagish s/o
Tahltan Tahltan of Telegraph Crisk; Telegraph Crisk Tahltan
Teslin Lake Nisutlin; Tealin Lake; Teslin Post;  Tagish
The Pas Big Eddy; John Constant; Oopaskwayow;  Cris
Three Bulls Meanx Kistomach  Blackfoot
Thunder Companion Peeyaseewahkahwechahkoot; Peeyaseewahkahweechakoot; Peeyee Eewahahweechaykoot; Peeyeseewahkahweechaykoots; Peeyeseewaykahweechaykoots; Peeyeseewaykahweechayhoot;  Cris
Thunderchild Reserve no. 115; Peeyaysee Awasis Cris
Trout Lake s/o Cris
Turtle Mountain Kadominie; Padamonee; Reserve no. 060 Sioux
Twelve Mile s/o Unknown
Two Cuts s/o Blackfoot
Valley River Eagle; Giroux; Mekis, The Eagle; Reserve no. 062a; Reserve no. 063a; Turtle River;  Ojibway
Wabasca Bigstone; Lake Wabascaw; Wabasca, Bigstone; Wabascaw; Wabiscaw; Wabiskaw; Wahspaton;  Cris
Wahpaton Round Plain, Wahpeton Dakota
Wahsatenow Bear's Ears;  Cris
Water Hen Katahkakwanayaas; Waterhen River Ojibway
Waterhen Lake s/o Cris
Watson Lake s/o Unknown
Wayway seecappo or Gamblers Fort Ellice Indians 
Waywayseecappo Reserve no. 062; The Man Proud to be Standing; Wawasecapow; Waywasecapow; Waywaysacapo; Waywaysecapo; Waywaysecappo;  Ojibway
Weasel Bull Apaw Stamix, Weasel Bull  Blackfoot
Weasel Calf Apaw Onistaw, Weasel Calf; Band C (Blackfoot); Weazel Calf;  Blackfoot
Weasel Fat Band E (Blood); Blackfoot Old Woman; Ermine Horses Blackfoot
Weemistikooseahwasis Mahkay, Mahkayo, Makaoos, Mikayo, Misticooseahwehsis, Reserve no. 120, Weemisticooseeahwasis, Weemisticooseewasis, Weemisticoosiah, Wemisticoosewasis,  Cris
Wesley Band B (Stony); Jacob; Jacob Big Stone; Jacob Bigstony; Kichipwot; Morley Mountain; Morley Reserve; Morleyville; Reserve no. 143; Sharphead; Stony B;  Dakota
White Bear Reserve no. 070;  Assiniboine/Ojibway/Cris
White Calf Band S (Blood); Eagle White Calf; Pitah Onistah;  Blackfoot
White Calf Robe Band F (Blackfoot); Calf Robe; Onistah, Calf Robe;  Blackfoot
White Eagle Band P (Blackfoot); Pitah Siksinum, White Eagle;  Blackfoot
White Pup Band L (Blackfoot); Big Head; Little Axe; Sakoye Aotan, Heavy Shield; White Pup & Little Axe; White Pup & Little Axe & Big Head;  Blackfoot
Whitefish Lake s/o Cris
Whitehorse Labarge; Laberge; Lac Laberge; Lake Labarge; Whitehorse Hootchi; Whitehorse Tagish;  Nahani
Witchekan Lake Reserve no. 117; Witchekan Cris
Wolf Collar Makoye Kin, Wolf Collar  Blackfoot
Yellow Horse Band I (Blackfoot); Bear Child; Bear Shield; Kayo Okosis, Bear Shield;  Blackfoot
Yellowknife "A" Fort Resolution; Fort Resolution "A"; Great Slave Lake; Resolution; Resolution "A"; Yellowknife no. 1; Yellowknives, Fort Resolution;  Chipewyan
Yellowknife "B" Dog Rib, Fort Resolution; Fort Resolution; Fort Resolution "B"; Great Slave Lake; Resolution; Resolution "B"; Yellowknife no. 2; Yellowknife River;  Yellowknife
York Factory Charles Wastaleloot  Cris
Young Chipewyan Chipeewayan; Chipewyan; Eepimikkahkeetoot; Eepinikkahketoot; Reserve no. 107;  Chipewyan
Young Pine Apawawakosow, White Antelope; Band C (Blood); Many Dusts; Rainy Chief; Sotenah, Rainy Chief; White Antelope;  Blackfoot

Index des agences, bureaux d'inspection et bureaux régionaux

Agence, bureaux d’inspection, bureau régional our nom standard Autres orthographes ou noms Type
Aklavik s/o Agence
Assiniboine Indian Head  Agence
Athabaska Fort McMurray, Northern Agency (1910) Agence
Athabaska & Mackenzie District Upper Mackenzie River District  Agence
Babine & Upper Skeena s/o Agence
Battleford Battleford District  Agence
Birtle s/o Agence
Blackfoot Blackfoot Crossing  Agence
Blood Blood Reserve  Agence
Carlton Carleton ; Carlton & Montreal Lake ; Carlton District ; Mistowasis ; Montreal Lake ; Prince Albert ; Prince Albert & Carlton District ; Treaty 6 Centre Agency ;  Agence
Clandeboye Brokenhead & Fort Alexander  Agence
Crooked Lake  s/o Agence
Dauphin s/o Agence
Duck Lake s/o Agence
Edmonton Enoch  Agence
File Hills s/o Agence
File Hills-Qu'Appelle  Qu'Appelle File Hills  Agence
Fisher River s/o Agence
Fort Churchill Churchill; Churchill & York; Hudson Bay Agency Agence
Fort Good Hope s/o Agence
Fort MacLeod Fort Walsh; Treaty 7 Agency Agence
Fort Norman s/o Agence
Fort Providence s/o Agence
Fort Rae s/o Agence
Fort Simpson s/o Agence
Fort Smith s/o Agence
Fort St John s/o Agence
Fort Vermilion s/o Agence
Griswold Oak River Sioux Agency; Sioux Agency Agence
Hobbema Peace Hills  Agence
Island Lake s/o Agence
Isle à la Crosse s/o Agence
Lake Manitoba Manitoba House; Manitowapah; Treaty 2 Agency Agence
Lesser Slave Lake s/o Agence
Lesser Slave Lake District s/o Agence
Meadow Lake s/o Agence
Moose Mountain s/o Agence
Moose Woods Sioux s/o Agence
Muscowpetung  s/o Agence
 Nelson & Churchill District  Keewatin  Agence
Nelson River s/o Agence
Norway House Grand Rapids ; Mr. McKay's Agency ; Norway House, Northern Division ; Norway House, Southern Division ; Treaty 5 Agency ;  Agence
Onion Lake Fort Pitt  Agence
Peace River District s/o Agence
Pelly Fort Pelly; Swan River Agence
Portage la Prairie Emerson; Mr. Kent's Agency; Rosseau River Agence
Qu'Appelle (1) Treaty 4 Agency; Fort Walsh; Indian Head Agence
Qu'Appelle (2) s/o Agence
Rocky Mountain Cree s/o Agence
Saddle Lake Victoria  Agence
Sarcee Calgary  Agence
Shell Brook s/o Agence
Sioux Lookout s/o Agence
Stikine Cassiar  Agence
Stony s/o Agence
Stony-Sarcee Morley  Agence
Stuart Lake s/o Agence
Touchwood Touchwood Hills  Agence
Treaty 8 Inspectorate  Treaty 8 Agency  Agence
Treaty 10 Inspectorate s/o Agence
Yellowknife Fort Resolution; Great Slave Lake Agence
York Factory s/o Agence
Yukon Northern Yukon; Southern Yukon; Yukon District; Yukon, Northern District; Yukon, Southern District Agence
Bureau d'inspection de l'Alberta Calgary Inspectorate  Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau regional de l'Alberta s/o Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau regional de la Colombie-Britannique et du Yukon Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau d'inspection du lac Manitoba s/o Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau d'inspection du lac Winnipeg North Lake Winnipeg Inspectorate; Lake Winnipeg & Rat Portage Inspectorate  Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau regional du Mackenzie District District of Mackenzie Regional Office  Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau d'inspection du Manitoba s/o Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau regional du Manitoba s/o Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Surintendance du Manitoba s/o Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau d'inspection de la Saskatchewan Nord Battleford Inspectorate  Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Surintendance des Territoires du Nord-Ouest Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau d'inspection de Rat Portage Lake of the Woods Inspectorate; Lake Winnipeg & Kenora Inspectorate  Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau régional de l'Ontario s/o Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional
Bureau d'inspection du Saskatchewan Sud Qu'Appelle Inspectorate  Bureau d’inspection ou bureau régional


Nom qui désigne les membres d'une Première Nation ou d'un groupe pour lequel des terres ont été réservées ou dont l'argent est détenu par la Couronne. De nos jours, de nombreuses bandes préfèrent le terme « Premières Nations » et ont changé leur nom en conséquence. Par exemple, la bande Batchewana s'appelle maintenant la Première Nation Batchewana.
Bureau régional
Des années 1830 aux années 1960, des « agents des Indiens » représentaient le gouvernement canadien sur les réserves des Premières Nations. Ils appliquaient la Loi sur les Indiens et les politiques du ministère des Affaires indiennes. Ces agents travaillaient dans des bureaux régionaux.
Les agents des Indiens rendaient des comptes à des agences.
Bureau d'inspection
Les agences étaient réunies au sein d'un bureau d'inspection organisé à l'échelle régionale.

À propos de l'index

L'index comprend près de 1 500 noms provenant principalement de l'instrument de recherche 10-12 de BAC : Guide des bureaux locaux de l'Ouest canadien, identifiant les bandes dont chaque bureau avait charge, 1871-1959.

L'index donne les noms des bandes :

  • dans la langue de la Première Nation concernée (la langue est également précisée)
  • dans une traduction, généralement en anglais

Pour faciliter les recherches avec l'outil Recherche dans la collection, les noms des bandes ont été normalisés :

  • Les espaces entre les syllabes ont été supprimées
  • La forme possessive à la fin du nom a été supprimée (par exemple, BEARDY'S devient BEARDY, mais BEAR'S EARS demeure inchangé)

Lorsque deux bandes ont le même nom, un identifiant ne faisant pas partie du nom est ajouté entre parenthèses.