Canada Ouest (Ontario)
Sélectionnez la première lettre du nom d'un district pour accéder au tableau des sous-districts ci-dessous.
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Algoma |
C-1091 |
Nipissing |
C-1091 |
Village Sault Sainte-Marie |
Manquant |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Brantford |
C-1008 et C-1009 |
Oakland |
C-1009 |
Onondaga |
C-1009 |
Paris |
C-1009 |
South Dumfries |
C-1009 |
Tuscarora |
C-1009 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Albemarle |
C-1010 |
Amabel |
C-1010 |
Arran |
C-1010 |
Brant |
C-1010 |
Bruce |
C-1010 |
Carrick |
C-1010 |
Culross |
C-1010 |
Elderslie |
C-1010 et C-1011 |
Greenock |
C-1011 |
Huron |
C-1011 |
Kincardine |
C-1011 |
Kinloss |
C-1011 |
Saugeen |
C-1011 |
Southampton |
C-1011 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Fitzroy |
C-1012 |
Gloucester |
C-1012 |
Goulbourn |
C-1012 |
Huntley |
C-1012 |
March |
C-1012 |
Marlborough |
C-1012 et C-1013 |
Nepean |
C-1013 |
North Gower |
C-1013 |
Osgoode |
C-1013 |
Ottawa |
C-1013 |
Richmond |
C-1013 |
Torbolton |
C-1013 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Iroquois |
C-1014 |
Matilda |
C-1014 |
Morrisburgh |
C-1014 |
Mountain |
C-1014 |
Williamsburg |
C-1014 |
Winchester |
C-1015 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Bowmanville |
C-1015 |
Cartwright |
C-1015 |
Cavan |
C-1015 |
Clarke |
C-1016 |
Darlington |
C-1016 |
Hope |
C-1016 et C-1017 |
Manvers |
C-1017 |
Newcastle |
C-1017 |
Port Hope |
C-1017 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Aldborough |
C-1018 |
Bayham |
C-1018 |
Dorchester |
C-1018 |
Dunwich |
C-1018 |
Malahide |
C-1018 et C-1019 |
Southwold |
C-1019 |
Saint-Thomas |
C-1019 |
Vienna |
C-1019 |
Yarmouth |
C-1019 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Amherstburg |
C-1020 |
Anderdon |
C-1020 |
Colchester |
C-1020 |
Gosfield |
C-1020 |
Madiston |
C-1020 |
Malden |
C-1020 |
Malden (Asile lunatique) |
C-1020 |
Mersea |
C-1021 |
Rochester |
C-1021 |
Sandwich |
C-1021 |
Sandwich (Collège) |
C-1021 |
Sandwich (Prison) |
C-1021 |
Sandwich Est |
C-1020 |
Sandwich Ouest |
C-1021 |
Tilbury Ouest |
C-1021 |
Windsor |
C-1021 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Bedford |
C-1021 et C-1022 |
Clarendon |
C-1021 |
Forts Henry et Frederick |
Manquant |
Hinchinbrooke |
C-1022 |
Hospital |
C-1022 |
Kennebec |
C-1022 |
Kingston |
C-1022 |
Loughborough |
C-1022 |
Miller et Canonto |
C-1022 |
Olden |
C-1022 |
Oso |
C-1022 |
Palmerston |
C-1022 |
Pittsburgh |
C-1022 |
Portland |
C-1022 |
Portsmouth |
C-1022 |
Prison provinciale |
C-1022 |
Storrington |
C-1022 et C-1023 |
Wolfe Island |
C-1023 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Charlottenburgh |
C-1023 et C-1024 |
Kenyon |
C-1024 |
Lancaster |
C-1024 |
Lochiel |
C-1024 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Augusta |
C-1024 et C-1025 |
Edwardsburgh |
C-1025 |
Kemptville |
C-1025 |
Merrickville |
C-1025 |
Oxford |
C-1025 |
Prescott |
C-1025 et C-1026 |
Prescott (École de grammaire) |
C-1025 et C-1026 |
South Gower |
C-1025 |
Wolford |
C-1026 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Artemesia |
C-1026 |
Bentinck |
C-1026 |
Collingwood |
C-1026 |
Derby |
C-1026 |
Egremont |
C-1027 |
Euphrasia |
C-1027 |
Glenelg |
C-1027 |
Holland |
C-1027 |
Melancthon |
C-1027 |
Normanby |
C-1027 |
Osprey |
C-1027 |
Owen Sound |
C-1027 |
Proton |
C-1027 et C-1028 |
Sarawak |
C-1027 |
Saint-Vincent |
C-1028 |
Sullivan |
C-1028 |
Sydenham |
C-1028 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Canboro |
C-1028 et C-1029 |
Dunn |
C-1028 |
Dunnville |
Manquant |
Moulton |
C-1029 |
North Cayuga |
C-1028 et C-1029 |
Oneida |
C-1029 |
Rainham |
C-1029 |
Seneca |
C-1029 et C-1030 |
Sherbrooke |
C-1029 |
South Cayuga |
C-1029 |
Walpole |
C-1030 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Esquesing |
C-1030 |
Georgetown |
C-1030 |
Milton |
C-1030 |
Nassagaweya |
C-1031 |
Nelson |
C-1031 |
Oakville |
C-1031 |
Trafalgar |
C-1031 |
Hamilton (Cité)
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Quartier Saint Andrew |
C-1092 |
Quartier Saint George |
C-1092 et C-1093 |
Quartier Saint Lawrence |
C-1093 |
Quartier Saint Mary |
C-1093 et C-1094 |
Quartier Saint Patrick |
C-1094 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Belleville (Séminaire) |
C-1034 |
Belleville (Ville et prison) |
C-1032 |
Elzevir |
C-1032 |
Hastings Road |
C-1032 |
Hungerford |
C-1032 |
Canton d'Hungerford |
C-1032 |
Huntingdon |
C-1033 |
Madoc |
C-1033 |
Marmora |
C-1033 |
Rawdon |
C-1033 |
Sidney |
C-1033 |
Stirling |
C-1033 |
Thurlow |
C-1033 and 1034 |
Trenton |
C-1034 |
Tudor et Lake |
C-1034 |
Tyendinaga |
C-1034 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Ashfield |
C-1035 |
Biddulph |
C-1035 |
Clinton |
C-1035 |
Colborne |
C-1035 |
Goderich |
C-1035 |
Goderich (Prison) |
C-1035 |
Grey |
C-1035 |
Hay |
C-1035 et C-1036 |
Howick |
C-1036 |
Hullett |
C-1036 |
McGillivray |
C-1036 |
McKillop |
C-1036 |
Morris |
C-1036 |
Stanley |
C-1036 |
Stephen |
C-1036 and 1037 |
Tuckersmith |
C-1037 |
Turnbury |
C-1037 |
Usborne |
C-1037 |
Wawanosh |
C-1037 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Cantons de Camden et Gore |
C-1038 |
Chatham (Ville) |
C-1038 |
Canton de Chatham et Gore |
C-1038 |
Dover |
C-1038 |
Gore |
C-1038 |
Harwich |
C-1038 et C-1039 |
Howard |
C-1039 |
Oxford |
C-1039 |
Raleigh |
C-1039 |
Romney |
C-1039 |
Tilbury Est |
C-1039 |
Zone |
C-1039 and 1040 |
Kingston (Cité)
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Quartier Saint-Lawrence |
C-1095 |
Quartier Cataraqui |
C-1095 |
Quartier Frontenac |
C-1094 et C-1096 |
Quartier Rideau |
C-1096 |
Quartier Victoria |
C-1096 |
Quartier Sydenham |
C-1096 et C-1097 |
Quartier Ontario |
C-1097 |
Congregational – Nunnery |
C-1097 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Bosanquet |
C-1040 |
Brooke |
C-1040 |
County Gaol |
C-1040 |
Dawn |
C-1040 |
Enniskillen |
C-1040 |
Euphemia |
C-1040 |
Moore |
C-1040 |
Plympton |
C-1040 et C-1041 |
Sarnia |
C-1041 |
Sarnia (Indiens Chippewa) |
C-1041 |
Sombra |
C-1041 |
Warwick |
C-1041 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Bathurst |
C-1041 |
Beckwith |
C-1042 |
Burgess |
C-1042 |
Dalhousie |
C-1042 |
Darling |
C-1042 |
Drummond |
C-1042 |
Elmsley |
C-1042 |
Lanark |
C-1042 |
Lavant |
C-1042 |
Montague |
C-1042 |
North Sherbrooke |
C-1042 |
Packenham |
C-1042 |
Perth |
C-1042 et C-1043 |
Ramsay |
C-1043 |
Smiths Falls |
C-1043 |
South Sherbrooke |
C-1043 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Bastard |
C-1043 |
Brockville |
C-1044 |
Burgess |
C-1044 |
Elizabethtown |
C-1044 |
Elmsley |
C-1044 |
Escott |
C-1044 |
North Crosby |
C-1044 |
South Crosby |
C-1044 |
Kitley |
C-1045 |
Lansdowne |
C-1045 |
Leeds |
C-1045 |
Yonge |
C-1045 |
Note : Les noms des sous-district Kitley, Lansdowne, Leeds et Yonge ont été omis de la base de données. Vous pouvez donc effectuer une recherche seulement par le nom d'une personne et par le comté (district), mais pas par sous-district.
Lennox et Addington
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Adolphustown |
C-1046 |
Amherst Island |
C-1046 |
Anglesea |
C-1046 |
Camden |
C-1046 |
Denbigh |
C-1046 |
Ernestown |
C-1046 |
Fredericksburgh |
C-1046 et C-1047 |
Kaladar |
C-1047 |
Napanee |
C-1047 |
Richmond |
C-1047 |
Sheffield |
C-1047 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Caistor |
C-1047 |
Clinton |
C-1047 et C-1048 |
Gainsborough |
C-1048 |
Grantham |
C-1048 |
Grimsby |
C-1048 |
Louth |
C-1048 |
Niagara |
C-1048 et C-1049 |
Sainte-Catharines |
C-1049 |
London (Cité)
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Quartier no. 1 |
C-1097 |
Quartier no. 2 |
C-1097 |
Quartier no. 3 |
C-1097 |
Quartier no. 4 |
C-1097 et C-1098 |
Quartier no. 5 |
C-1098 |
Quartier no. 6 |
C-1098 |
Quartier no. 7 |
C-1098 |
Quartier no. 8 |
C-1098 |
Quartier no. 9 |
C-1098 et C-1099 |
Quartier no. 10 |
C-1099 |
Quartier no. 11 |
C-1099 |
Quartier no. 12 |
C-1099 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Adelaide |
C-1049 |
Caradoc |
C-1049 |
Delaware |
C-1049 |
Dorchester |
C-1050 |
Ekfrid |
C-1050 |
Lobo |
C-1050 |
London |
C-1050 |
London (Prison) |
C-1050 |
Metcalfe |
C-1050 |
Mosa |
C-1051 |
Murray |
C-1051 |
North Dorchester |
C-1051 |
Strathroy |
C-1051 |
Williams Est |
C-1051 |
Williams Ouest |
C-1051 |
Westminster |
C-1051 |
West Nissouri |
C-1051 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Charlotteville |
C-1052 |
Houghton |
C-1052 |
Middleton |
C-1052 |
Simcoe |
C-1052 |
Townsend |
C-1052 et C-1053 |
Walsingham |
C-1053 |
Windham |
C-1053 |
Woodhouse |
C-1053 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Alnwick |
C-1054 |
Brighton |
C-1054 |
Brighton (École de grammaire) |
C-1054 |
Cobourg |
C-1054 |
Colboorne |
C-1054 |
Cramahe |
C-1054 et C-1055 |
Haldimand |
C-1055 |
Hamilton |
C-1055 |
Murray |
C-1055 et C-1056 |
Percy |
C-1056 |
Seymour |
C-1056 |
South Monaghan |
C-1055 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Brock |
C-1056 |
East Whitby |
C-1058 |
Mara |
C-1057 |
Oshawa |
C-1057 |
Pickering |
C-1057 |
Rama |
C-1057 |
Reach |
C-1057 et C-1058 |
Scott |
C-1058 |
Scugog Island |
C-1058 |
Thorah |
C-1058 |
Uxbridge |
C-1058 |
Whitby Ouest |
C-1058 et C-1059 |
Whitby |
C-1059 |
Whitby Est (les documents du recensement n'ont pas survécu) |
Ottawa (Cité)
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Quartier By |
C-1099 et C-1100 |
Quartier Ottawa |
C-1100 |
Quartier Saint-George |
C-1100 et C-1101 |
Quartier Wellington |
C-1101 |
Quartier Victoria |
C-1101 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Blandford |
C-1059 |
Blenheim |
C-1059 et C-1060 |
Prison du comté |
C-1060 |
Dereham |
C-1060 |
East Nissouri |
C-1060 |
East Oxford |
C-1061 |
East Zorra |
C-1061 |
Embro |
C-1060 |
Ingersoll |
C-1060 |
North Norwich |
C-1060 |
North Oxford |
C-1061 |
South Norwich |
C-1060 |
West Oxford |
C-1060 |
West Zorra |
C-1061 et C-1062 |
Woodstock |
C-1061 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Albion |
C-1062 |
Brampton |
C-1062 |
Caledon |
C-1062 et C-1063 |
Chinguacousy |
C-1063 |
Streetsville |
C-1063 |
Toronto |
C-1063 |
Toronto Gore |
C-1064 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Blanshard |
C-1064 |
Downie |
C-1064 |
Ellice |
C-1064 |
Elma |
C-1064 |
Fullarton |
C-1064 et C-1065 |
Hibbert |
C-1065 |
Logan |
C-1065 |
Mitchell |
C-1065 |
Mornington |
C-1065 |
North Easthope |
C-1064 |
South Easthope |
C-1064 |
Sainte-Mary's |
C-1065 |
Stratford |
C-1065 |
Wallace |
C-1065 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Ashburnham |
C-1066 |
Asphodel |
C-1066 |
Belmont |
C-1066 |
Douro |
C-1066 |
Dummer |
C-1066 |
Ennismore |
C-1066 |
Galway |
C-1066 et C-1067 |
Harvey |
C-1067 |
North Monaghan |
C-1067 |
Otonabee |
C-1067 |
Peterborough |
C-1067 |
Smith |
C-1067 |
Snowdon |
C-1067 |
Stanhope |
C-1067 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Alfred |
C-1068 |
Caledonia |
C-1068 |
East Hawkesbury |
C-1068 |
Hawkesbury |
C-1068 |
Longueuil |
C-1068 |
North Plantagenet |
C-1068 |
Prescott et prison de Russell |
C-1068 |
South Plantagenet |
C-1068 |
West Hawkesbury |
C-1068 |
Prince Edward
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Ameliasburgh |
C-1069 |
Athol |
C-1069 |
Hallowell |
C-1069 |
Hilier |
C-1069 |
Marysburgh |
C-1069 et C-1070 |
Picton |
C-1070 |
Sophiasburgh |
C-1070 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Admaston |
C-1070 |
Alice |
C-1070 |
Algoma |
C-1070 |
Arnprior (Village) |
C-1070 |
Bagot et Brougham |
C-1070 |
Blithfield |
C-1070 |
Bromley |
C-1070 |
Brudenell, Raglan et Radclife |
C-1070 |
Grattan |
C-1070 |
Horton |
C-1070 |
McNab |
C-1070 |
Pembroke |
C-1070 |
Pembroke (Village) |
C-1070 |
Pettawawa, Buchanan et McKay |
C-1070 |
Renfrew (Village) |
C-1071 |
Rolph et Wylie |
C-1071 |
Ross |
C-1071 |
Sebastopol et Griffith |
C-1071 |
Stafford |
C-1071 |
Westmeath |
C-1071 |
Wilberforce |
C-1071 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Cambridge |
C-1071 |
Clarence |
C-1071 |
Cumberland |
C-1071 |
Russell |
C-1071 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Adjala |
C-1072 |
Barrie |
C-1072 |
Bradford |
C-1072 |
Collingwood |
C-1072 |
Essa |
C-1072 |
Flos |
C-1072 |
Innisfil |
C-1072 et C-1073 |
Medonte |
C-1073 |
Mono |
C-1073 |
Mulmur |
C-1073 |
Muskoka |
C-1073 |
Nottawasaga |
C-1073 |
Orillia |
C-1073 |
Oro |
C-1073 |
Prison de réforme |
C-1074 |
Sunnidale |
C-1073 |
Tecumseth |
C-1074 |
Tiny |
C-1073 and 1074 |
Tosorontio |
C-1074 |
Vespra |
C-1074 |
West Gwillimbury |
C-1072 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Cornwall |
C-1074 et C-1075 |
Finch |
C-1075 |
Osnabruck |
C-1075 |
Roxborough |
C-1075 |
Toronto (Cité)
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Quartier Saint Andrew |
C-1101, C-1102 et C-1103 |
Quartier Saint David |
C-1103 et C-1104 |
Quartier Saint George |
C-1104 et C-1105 |
Quartier Saint James |
C-1105 et C-1106 |
Quartier Saint John |
C-1106, C-1107 et C-1108 |
Quartier Saint Lawrence |
C-1108 et C-1109 |
Quartier Saint Patrick |
C-1109 et C-1110 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Anson |
C-1075 |
Bexley |
C-1075 |
Carden |
C-1075 |
Dalton |
C-1075 |
Digby |
C-1075 |
Draper |
C-1076 |
Eldon |
C-1075 et C-1076 |
Emily |
C-1076 |
Fenelon |
C-1076 |
Hindon |
C-1076 |
Laxton |
C-1076 |
Lindsay |
C-1076 |
Lutterworth |
C-1076 |
Macauley |
C-1076 |
Mariposa |
C-1076 |
Ops |
C-1076 |
Somerville |
C-1076 |
Verulam |
C-1076 et C-1077 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Berlin |
C-1077 |
Galt |
C-1077 |
Hamburg |
C-1077 |
Hespeler |
C-1077 |
North Dumfries |
C-1077 |
North Waterloo |
C-1078 |
Preston |
C-1078 |
South Waterloo |
C-1078 |
Waterloo |
C-1078 |
Wellesley |
C-1078 et C-1079 |
Wilmot |
C-1079 |
Woolwich |
C-1079 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Bertie |
C-1080 |
Chippawa |
C-1080 |
Clifton |
C-1080 |
Crowland |
C-1080 |
Fort Erie |
C-1080 |
Humberstone |
C-1080 |
Pelham |
C-1080 et C-1081 |
Stamford |
C-1081 |
Stanford |
C-1081 |
Thorold |
C-1081 |
Wainfleet |
C-1081 |
Welland |
C-1081 |
Willoughby |
C-1081 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Amaranth |
C-1082 |
Arthur |
C-1082 |
Elora |
C-1082 |
Eramosa |
C-1082 |
Erin |
C-1082 |
Fergus |
C-1082 |
Garafraxa |
C-1082 et C-1083 |
Guelph |
C-1083 |
Luther |
C-1083 |
Maryborough |
C-1083 |
Minto |
C-1083 |
Nichol |
C-1083 |
Peel |
C-1084 |
Pilkington |
C-1084 |
Puslinch |
C-1084 |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
Ancaster |
C-1085 |
Barton |
C-1085 |
Beverly |
C-1085 et C-1086 |
Binbrook |
C-1085 |
Dundas |
C-1086 |
East Flamboro |
C-1086 |
Glanford |
C-1086 |
Hamilton |
C-1086 et C-1087 |
Saltfleet |
C-1086 |
West Flamboro |
Nom du sous-district |
Microfilm |
East Gwillimbury |
C-1087 |
Etobicoke |
C-1087 |
Georgina |
C-1087 |
Holland Landing |
C-1087 |
King |
C-1087 et C-1088 |
Markham |
C-1088 |
North Gwillimbury |
C-1087 |
Scarborough |
C-1089 |
Vaughan |
C-1089 |
Whitchurch |
C-1089 et C-1090 |
York |
C-1090 |
Canton Yorkville (les documents du recensement n'ont pas survécu) |