Item – Thèses Canada

Numéro d'OCLC
Kuntz, Harry,1934-
The educational work of the two Montreal Mechanics' Institutes.
M.A. -- Concordia University, 1993
Ottawa : National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1995.
6 microfiches.
Includes bibliographical references.
This thesis attempts to evaluate the educational work of the two Mechanics' Institutes in Montreal from the founding of the first institute in November 1828 until the class work of the second institute was assumed by the School of Arts and Design in 1870. After a review of the mechanics' institute movement in Britain and the various ways of interpreting the movement, it is suggested that an educational context be used for the discussion of the mechanics institutes. Accordingly, the Montreal Mechanics' Institute (1828-1835) is placed in its educational context. Other similar institutions and schools in Montreal are mentioned in an effort to set forth the institute's educational aim and to establish the range of other educational provision available. The activities, membership and history of the institute are examined and summarized. The history of the first institute, which was largely the work of master craftsmen, tradesmen and small merchants, is replete with conflict. Its history and membership shows how difficult it is to apply a theory of social control and illustrates the divisiveness of religion and politics to such an institute. The Mechanics' Institute of Montreal (1840-1870 ...), begun in 1840 by adherents of the British party, underwent a crisis in its early history, but maintained an almost continuous series of classes. Moreover, it lobbied strongly for government grants for education of apprentices. This may have played a part in the establishment in 1857 of the Board of Arts and Manufactures which look over the lectures and eventually the classes of the institute. Its history, activities and membership are also examined. A final chapter attempts to compare the work of the two institutes to the educational endeavor of the British institutes.